What is the dead or stuck pixel policy?

August 8 2021 7:28pm

Modern displays have reached density levels where microscopic imperfections in manufacturing can result in pixels or subpixels that are either stuck off (dead pixel) or stuck on (bright pixel).  Our panel manufacturer screens for these issues and does not allow the worst cases to leave their factory.  However, in order to avoid scrapping a large number of panels, their quality limits are set to allow some number of non-functioning sub-pixels to still go out as an acceptable panel.  We currently use our panel maker's dead and stuck pixel limits as our own limits to avoid additional scrapping and waste.  These limits are:

  1. Up to 2 bright/stuck sub-pixels
  2. Up to 3 dark/dead sub-pixels

A panel that has a number of bad sub-pixels above those limits would qualify for warranty replacement within our warranty period.